Autor Tema: Tutorial za ubacivanje grafike u FM!!!  (Posjeta: 4319 vremena)

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Tutorial za ubacivanje grafike u FM!!!
« u: 09.03.2011, 18:08:45 »
Pa da krenemo...

Slike igrača - Facepacks

...\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\graphics\pictures\players

Grbovi - Logos

...\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\graphics\pictures\logos

Dresovi - Kits

...\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\graphics\pictures\kits

Skinovi - Skins

...\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\skins

Pozadina - Backgrounds

...\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\graphics\backgrounds

Zastava - Flags

...\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\graphics\pictures\flags

Lopti - Balls

...\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\graphics\pitch\balls

Mreža - Nets

...\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\graphics\pitch\nets

Nakon što ubacite grafičke fajlove na potrebnu lokaciju, potrebno je uradit sljedeće:

Uđite u FM, odite na Preferences-Display & Sound i isključite Use Skin Cache, a uključite Always Reload Skin On Confirm
« Zadnja izmjena: 28.11.2012, 13:00:01 od john_doe »

Offline Alko

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Odg: Tutorial za ubacivanje grafike u FM!!!
« Odgovori #1 u: 27.11.2012, 17:10:01 »
Mislim da bi se ovo trebalo malo azurirati. Znaci umjesto 2011 da stoji 2013. Zatim da se dodaju putanje za backgrounde i ostale stvari. Znam da vec postoji topic, ali eto da ne bude da je ovo svevremenski tut, a star par godina ;)


Offline john_doe

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Odg: Tutorial za ubacivanje grafike u FM!!!
« Odgovori #2 u: 28.11.2012, 13:02:21 »
Sređeno.  ;)
“Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple.” Bill Shankly


Offline Alko

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Odg: Tutorial za ubacivanje grafike u FM!!!
« Odgovori #3 u: 28.11.2012, 18:13:16 »
Mislim da bi trebao da postoji neki link na ovaj dio sa PDF grafika da se ljudi lakse snadju.
