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Player Preferred Moves tutorijal
« u: 14.08.2011, 22:54:17 »
Vidio sam ovo jednom davno na portalu cro-managera, iz nekog razloga je nestalo, ali nema veze nadam se da će pomoći svima na forumu.  ;) Meni je ovaj tutorijal puno pomogao kod razvijanja igrača i nadam se da će i vama. Nemam baš previše vremena, ali ću prevesti cijeli tekst koji je trenutno na engleskom

Note: PPMs in Italics CANNOT be taught

Player preferred moves by position


Dives into tackles: više će uklizavati u startove, dobro za agresivne momčadi, međutim loša odluka igrača može vas razotkriti, ili rezultirati žutim ili crvenim kartonom.

Does not dive in to tackles: pokušati će ostati na nogama kada uzima loptu, možda neće uvijek ući čvrsto u duel kada je to potrebno.

Gets forward whenever possible: pokušati će se priključiti naprijed i ući u šansu za postizanje pogotka. Manje korisno za defenzivne taktike. Korisno za ball playing stopere.

Marks opponent tightly: Dobro za svakog braniča ili anchor-man, naročito igrate li sa man marking.

Plays no through balls: Dobro za limited defenders i anchor-men, nije korisno ako igrate sa ekipom koja stvara šanse iz pozadine

Plays short simple passes: raditi će kratka dodavanja do najbližeg suigrača, korisno za sve stopere izuzevši onih kiji igraju loptom (ball playing), i za ne baš kreativne vezne igrače koji će dodati loptu do kreativnog suigrača u veznoj liniji. Također korisno za svakog igrača sa lošijim "passing" atributima. Rezultat će biti visoki postotak točnih dodavanja.

Runs rarely with ball: Korisno za braniče i defenzivne vezne sa lošim driblingom, više će dodavati najbližem suigraču.

Stays back at all times: Igrač će stalno ostati na svojoj defenzivnoj poziciji korisno za limited defenders, braniče koje ne želiš da se priključuju napadu, i anchor-men. Nemojte to učiti ako želite ofenzivnog stopera i defenzivnog veznog.  

Dives into tackles: više će uklizavati u startove, dobro za agresivne momčadi, međutim loša odluka igrača može vas razotkriti, ili rezultirati žutim ili crvenim kartonom.

Does not dive in to tackles: pokušati će ostati na nogama kada uzima loptu, možda neće uvijek ući čvrsto u duel kada je to potrebno.

Gets forward whenever possible: pokušati će se priključiti naprijed i ući u šansu za postizanje pogotka. Manje korisno za defenzivne taktike. Korisno za ball playing stopere.

Hugs line: Korisno za brza krila i bekove, više će se probijati po krilima a manje tražiti priliku za ubacivanjem lopte u kazneni prostor.

Plays short simple passes: raditi će kratka dodavanja do najbližeg suigrača, korisno za sve stopere izuzevši onih kiji igraju loptom (ball playing), i za ne baš kreativne vezne igrače koji će dodati loptu do kreativnog suigrača u veznoj liniji. Također korisno za svakog igrača sa lošijim "passing" atributima. Rezultat će biti visoki postotak točnih dodavanja.

Possess long flat throw: Igrač će raditi nešto slično kao Delap, navijači Hajduka znaju na koga mislim

Runs with ball down left: korisno za brze igrače sa dobrim driblingom, odlično se slaže sa "hugs touchline", beskorisno za igrača koji ima slabiju lijevu nogu.

Runs with ball down right: korisno za brze igrače sa dobrim driblingom, odlično se slaže sa "hugs touchline", beskorisno za igrača koji ima slabiju desnu nogu.

Defenzivni vezni i defenzivno orjentirani centralni vezni:
Comes deep to get ball: will drop off to create that little bit of space for himself and link with deeper players, particularly good for passing defensive midfielders and central midfielders, as it gives extra space to find the pass, and strikers as they drop away from their marker forcing him to hold position and possibly allow a shooting opportunity, or follow him and be dragged out of positions. Very important for lone strikers

Curls ball: Odlično za udarce iz daljine, kada žele prevariti vratara.

Dives into tackles: više će uklizavati u startove, dobro za agresivne momčadi, međutim loša odluka igrača može vas razotkriti, ili rezultirati žutim ili crvenim kartonom.

Does not dive in to tackles: pokušati će ostati na nogama kada uzima loptu, možda neće uvijek ući čvrsto u duel kada je to potrebno.

Dwells on ball: Igrač će moći usporiti igru. Good for deeper midfielders in possession style tactics, and wingers with hold up ball instructions, not so good for centre backs, getting caught in possession will likely have disastrous consequences.

Gets forward whenever possible: Will look to get forward and get into goal scoring positions. Less useful in defensive orientated tactics. Useful for ball playing centre backs. Combines well with Comes Deep for the Ball.

Marks opponent tightly: Good for any decent defender or anchor-man, particularly if playing a man marking game.

Plays no through balls: Good for limited defenders and anchor-men, not helpful if you play with a team that creates from the back

Plays short simple passes: Will make short passes to nearby team mates, good for all central defenders except expansive ball playing ones, and more non- creative midfielders as they pass to a more creative midfielder. Good for any player with poorer passing skills. Generates a high pass completion rate.

Runs rarely with ball: Useful for defenders and more defensive midfielders with poor dribbling ability, will look to pass more often

Shoots from distance: will shoot from all areas of the pitch, good for technical players, as they will pose a constant danger to the opposition, particularly for attacking midfielders and deeper strikers

Shoots with power: Good for technically adept midfielders, and strikers with good technique but poorer composure, once hit, the ball stays hit and if it’s on target will more often than not beat the keeper

Stays back at all times: The player will always hold his defensive position, good for a limited defenders, defenders you don’t want getting forward, and anchor-men. Do not teach if you want a more offensive centre backs and defensive Mids.

Stops play: Good for very low tempo possession based football, will look to take the sting out of the game, however, it can kill a flowing move. If you are looking to play quick football, particularly counter-attacking football, make sure your player unlearns this.

Tries killer balls often: This is probably the most important PPM for any playmaker, requires good decision making, passing, flair and creativity, the player will look to make defence splitting passes. Be warned, opposition players with this PPM should be watched at all times, as they have the ability to create something out of nothing.

Attacking Central Midfielders and Attacking Midfielders:
Arrives late in opposition area: these players have a very good timing when going forward, very good for players with good long shots coming from deeper positions

Comes deep to get ball: will drop off to create that little bit of space for himself and link with deeper players, particularly good for passing defensive midfielders and central midfielders, as it gives extra space to find the pass, and strikers as they drop away from their marker forcing him to hold position and possibly allow a shooting opportunity, or follow him and be dragged out of positions. Very important for lone strikers

Curls ball: Great for long range shots, as they look to bend the ball round the keeper.

Dives into tackles: will look to go to ground more in the tackle, good for aggressive sides, however poor decision making can leave you exposed, or result in a booking or sending off

Does not dive in to tackles: will look to stay on his feet when winning the ball, may not always make a strong challenge when its needed

Dwells on ball: He will look slow the game down. Good for deeper midfielders in possession style tactics, and wingers with hold up ball instructions, not so good for centre backs, getting caught in possession will likely have disastrous consequences.

Gets forward whenever possible: The player will look to get forward, into attacking, and often goal scoring positions. Less useful in defensive orientated tactics. Useful for ball playing centre backs. Combines well with Comes Deep for the Ball.

Gets into opposition area: An even more offensive PPM than Gets forward whenever possible, great for attacking wingers and midfielders.

Looks for pass rather than attempting to score: very good for creative players who have poor finishing/long shots (Anderson), as they’ll look to play in teammates, will generate a lot of assists.

Runs with ball through centre: will look to run at the heart of the opposition defence. Great for quick skilful strikers and attacking midfielders and central midfielders, giving them the ability to beat often beat two or three players before shooting. Important PPM for advanced playmakers looking to attack from deep

Shoots from distance: will shoot from all areas of the pitch, good for technical players, as they will pose a constant danger to the opposition, particularly for attacking midfielders and deeper strikers

Shoots with power: Good for technically adept attacking midfielders, and strikers with good technique but poorer composure, once hit, the ball stays hit and if it’s on target will more often than not beat the keeper

Tries killer balls often: Probably the most important PPM for any playmaker, requires good decision making, passing, flair and creativity, the player will look to make defence splitting passes. Be warned, opposition players with this PPM should be watched at all times, as they have the ability to create something out of nothing.

Comes deep to get ball: will drop off to create that little bit of space for himself and link with deeper players, particularly good for strikers as they drop away from their marker forcing him to hold position and possibly allow a shooting opportunity, or follow him and be dragged out of positions. Very important for lone strikers

Curls ball: Great for long range shots, as they look to bend the ball round the keeper.

Cuts inside: Important for Inside Forwards and good for wingers with strong opposite feet (i.e. strong right foot for left sided players and vice versa), will look to drive in at goal from their flank.

Dwells on ball: He will look slow the game down. Good for deeper midfielders in possession style tactics, and wingers with hold up ball instructions, not so good for centre backs, getting caught in possession will likely have disastrous consequences.

Hugs line: Good for quick wingers and fullbacks, will look to burst down the line before looking for the cross

Moves into channels: will look to move into space as much as possible, either between the centre backs, or between fullbacks and centre backs, good for number 9s, inside forwards and very offensive wingers, not as useful if you want your winger to be involved in build-up play (teach them to come deep as well)

Runs with ball often: looks to dribble at any opportunity. Great for wingers

Runs with ball down left: good for quick players with good dribbling skills, combines well with hugs touchline, useless if the player has a weak left foot

Runs with ball down right: good for quick players with good dribbling skills, combines well with hugs touchline, useless if the player has a weak right foot.

Shoots from distance: will shoot from all areas of the pitch, good for technical players, as they will pose a constant danger to the opposition, particularly for attacking midfielders and deeper strikers

Shoots with power: Good for technically adept midfielders, and strikers with good technique but poorer composure, once hit, the ball stays hit and if it’s on target will more often than not beat the keeper.

Tries killer balls often: Probably the most important PPM for any playmaker, requires good decision making, passing, flair and creativity, the player will look to make defence splitting passes. Be warned, opposition players with this PPM should be watched at all times, as they have the ability to create something out of nothing.

Comes deep to get ball: will drop off to create that little bit of space for himself and link with deeper players, particularly good for strikers as they drop away from their marker forcing him to hold position and possibly allow a shooting opportunity, or follow him and be dragged out of positions. Very important for lone strikers

Likes to lob keeper: Good PPM for quick technical strikers getting through on one on ones.

Likes to round keeper: Another good PPM for strikers, requires less technique and flair than Lob Keeper

Likes to try to beat offside trap: very good for quick poachers and number 9s, with good off the ball and anticipation, not useful if you don’t play many through balls

Moves into channels: will look to move into space as much as possible, either between the centre backs, or between fullbacks and centre backs, good for number 9s, inside forwards and very offensive wingers, not as useful if you want your winger to be involved in build-up play (teach them to come deep as well)

Places shots: top PPM for technical strikers with good composure, they will convert a very high percentage of their chances. A must for your number 9

Plays with back to goal: Ideal for strong target men, but also useful strong complete forwards, and strong lone strikers (players like Drogba, Dzeko, Beqiraj etc.)

Runs with ball through centre: will look to run at the heart of the opposition defence. Great for quick skilful strikers and attacking midfielders and central midfielders, giving them the ability to often beat two of three players before shooting. Important PPM for advanced playmakers looking to attack from deep

Shoots from distance: will shoot from all areas of the pitch, good for technical players, as they will pose a constant danger to the opposition, particularly for attacking midfielders and deeper strikers

Shoots with power: Good for technically adept midfielders, and strikers with good technique but poorer composure, once hit, the ball stays hit and if it’s on target will more often than not beat the keeper

Stops play: Good for very low tempo possession based football, will look to take the sting out of the game, however, it can kill a flowing move. If you are looking to play quick football, particularly counter-attacking football, make sure you player unlearns this.

Tries first time shots: Takes the shot at first opportunity, and can catch out the option defence and keeper.

Tries killer balls often: Probably the most important PPM for any playmaker, requires good decision making, passing, flair and creativity, the player will look to make defence splitting passes. Be warned, opposition players with this PPM should be watched at all times, as they have the ability to create something out of nothing.

Argues with officials: will tend to pick up more bookings than other players, however these players also seem to high aggression and determination, and will more often than not be fired up in big games and when behind

Hits free kicks with power: Will attempt to score a screamer of a free kick, poorer players will often hit this into the wall, free kick wizards getting the round the wall will see this end up in the back of the net, works better at longer ranges

Tries long range free kicks: Looks score from almost any position. If you have a set piece wizard (Van der Vaart) this player will make opposition think twice about conceding free kicks, but poorer players will often take wasteful shot, when a cross from the free kick is a better option.

Tries to play out of trouble: will look to dribble his way out being closely marked, or closed down. Very good for quick dribblers, who’ll often leave their markers standing, however poor decision making can mean they will dribble when the pass is a better option, and potentially get caught in possession
« Zadnja izmjena: 15.08.2011, 11:13:03 od dr.t »

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Odg: Player Preferred Moves tutorijal
« Odgovori #1 u: 14.08.2011, 23:52:05 »
eh, da je na hrvatskom možda bi mi i pomoglo, ovako  :bo:

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Odg: Player Preferred Moves tutorijal
« Odgovori #2 u: 02.04.2013, 00:55:07 »
jel ima di popis koji je ppm dobar za koju rolu?
hrk hrk

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